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Professional Social Counselling - Brexit

About the Service:
Type of Service: Professional Social Counselling 
Service Identifier: 4640372

The goal of the service is to provide professional social counselling to people affected by Brexit. This provides the users with quality support to adapt in their place of residence post-Brexit, whether they live in the UK or decide to come back to the Czech Republic.

Places of provision:

The service is provided throughout the Czech Republic.

Service branches can be found in the following cities:

Prague, Hradec Králové, Zlín, Ústí nad Labem, Liberec, Jihlava, České Budějovice, Pilsen, Karlovy Vary, Ostrava, Olomouc, Pardubice, Brno 

The service is intended for:

People older than 18 who are living or staying for an extended period in the UK and are dealing with their social situation regarding Brexit (departure of the UK from the EU).

What the service offers:

The service offers social professional counselling to people affected by Brexit, i.e. people who either:

1) Wish to return to the Czech Republic 

If the service user decides to go back to the Czech Republic, then the question is whether he/she is still in the UK and is preparing to return to the Czech Republic or is deciding on it. In that case, the nature of cooperation lies in matters related directly to returning to the Czech Republic, such as these:

  • arranging documents (particularly passport, or ID card, birth certificate, and others)
  • securing financial means (to return to the Czech Republic and other matters)
  • documents (medical, children's education, employment, and others)
  • terminating contractual obligations (employment, housing, financial commitments)
  • preliminarily securing housing for after returning to the Czech Republic, or employment and other necessities

If the service user has already arrived in the Czech Republic, the subject of cooperation can be the following issues:

  • arranging documents (particularly ID card, birth certificate, and others)
  • finding employment (or starting a business)
  • social benefits, unemployment support
  • finding and holding on to housing
  • healthcare
  • schooling and education, or requalification
  • legal advice
  • utilizing experience from abroad
  • follow-up services, authorities, and institutions

2) Wish to stay in the UK

If the service user decides to stay in the UK, then cooperation may lie in the following matters: 

  • arranging resident status – application conditions, possible complications, how, when, and where, or until when is it possible to apply
  • follow-up services – where to seek help
  • documents (particularly passport, or ID card, birth certificate, and others)
  • securing financial means (for travelling to the Czech Republic and other matters)
  • documents (medical, children's education, employment, and others
  • terminating contractual obligations (employment, housing, financial commitments)
  • preliminarily securing housing for after returning to the Czech Republic, or employment and other necessities

Principles of provision:

  • respecting the person interested in the service or service user, individual approach towards user, supporting their skills and abilities, including providing the service in such a manner that the user's chance of solving their problem increases but at the same time the problem is not solved for the service user by the worker
  • respecting the user's right to privacy, discretion
  • strictly abiding by the principles of personal data protection
  • a partner approach towards the user, strengthening the service user's autonomy
  • activating the service user towards solving their problems • developing trust during cooperation and providing highly professional, complex, and quality services

Whom to contact

Bc. Jana Holková – Head of Social Service
Phone: +420 778 726 508
E-mail: janaholkova@romodrom.cz

Information About the Service in the Social Service Providers Registry