
Professional Social Counselling

About the provided service:
Type of service:  Professional Social Counselling - Pardubice Region

Identifier: 2744559


This social service is financed from the Professional Social Counselling for the Central Bohemian and Pardubice Region project, reg. no.: CZ.03.2.60/0.0/0.0/18_088/0010668, by the European Social Fund via the Operational Programme Employment, from Pardubice Region funds, the Programme for the Multiannual Support of Social Services Categorized into the Social Service Network from the Pardubice Region Budget (2019-2021), and the Donation for the Provision of Social Services (earmarked grant, formerly the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs).


The goal of the service is to contribute to an improvement of the client´s social situation, support their social inclusion and prevent social exclusion by providing professional social counselling. The service offers help in dealing with difficult life situations. The service is provided both in the client´s natural environment as well as outpatient, which provides the necessary privacy to handle the target group´s demands.


Recipients of service

  • Pardubice Region


For whom is the service intended?

  • persons older than 18,
  • people living in socially excluded communities
  • people living a high-risk way of life or endangered by such a way of life
  • criminal offenders
  • ethnic minorities


  • people who are being released from incarceration, people serving a prison sentence, family members of people affected by the serving of a prison sentence, people in danger of over-indebtedness.


What the service offers

It is a registered social service in accordance with § 37 of Act 108/2006 Coll. On Social Services, provided in outpatient form as well as in the clients´ natural environment in MAS Skutečsko, Košumbersko, and Chrastecko in the Pardubice Region. As part of the service, we provide the users support in the form of social service.

As a certified subject, we offer counselling services, drafting an application for bankruptcy, and submitting it. The services outlined below are provided here as an overview. It is impossible to state all the services that we can offer. We can provide more information about what we can do together during a personal meeting.

Services provided:

  • social counselling – we will support you in dealing with your unfavourable social situation (individually and based on your needs), we offer the option to address your needs in your natural environment (we will come see you by prior arrangement)
  • housing – housing counselling, the option of creating a financial housing plan (benefits, rent, utilities), securing basic legal service related to housing (contracts, notices), support in communication with homeowners and lessors,
  • social benefits – specialized counselling on benefit legislation, communicating with the office of non-insurance social benefits – department of material need in the user´s favour,
  • family and criminal law – arranging citizenship and documents, communicating with the registry,
  • employment – assistance in dealing with the Labour Office, basic evaluation of your situation in terms of finding suitable employment, consulting on labour law-related matters, mediating contact with employers for the purpose of finding employment for the service user,
  • debt counselling – providing professional debt counselling ranging from resolving debts to personal bankruptcy, mapping your financial situation, and supporting you in managing your finances, providing legal advice regarding making contracts and managing your property,
  • legal advice – providing the possibility of legal consultation in legitimate cases, consultation regarding legal actions (drafting a request, appeal, motions, and assistance with official documents), assistance with contacting legal institutions,
  • communicating with institutions and follow-up services – assisting in communication with courts, arranging professional help, e.g.: psychotherapist, psychiatrist, and accompaniment to follow-up institutions, providing information about follow-up services in the social, medical, and educational area,
  • criminal activity – presidential pardon, assisting in applying for conditional release, cooperating on the cases of clients who have committed a crime or offence or have become the victim of a crime (usury and so on), cooperating on security measures concerning clients with the police.


Field work office hours:

















Outpatient office hours:

















Principles of Provision:

  • the service is provided FREE OF CHARGE
  • the worker treats every user individually in accordance with his/her needs, abilities, resources, social situation, and personal plans,
  • the clients are supported towards autonomy and strengthening competencies,
  • the client´s decision regarding the choice of solution to his unfavourable situation is fully respected by the workers,
  • the service workers provide their assistance to users independently and inform them that they do not have the powers of a civil servant,
  • the worker does not side with anyone when dealing with the users, and treats all users equally
  • all workers fulfil qualification requirements in accordance with Act no. 108/2006 Sb., on social services and continuously educate themselves.



Daniel Bakeš – Head of Romodrom o.p.s. Branch - Pardubice Region
Phone: +420 774 792 310
E-mail: bakes@romodrom.cz

Bc. Kateřina Voříšková – Lead Social Worker
Phone: +420 774 792 309
E-mail: katerinavoriskova@romodrom.cz


Where to find us:



Information About the Service in the Social Service Providers Registry


The Professional Social Counselling – Pardubice Region social service has been provided since 15. 4. 2013.

The Professional Social Counselling for the Central Bohemian and Pardubice Region is being implemented from 1. 10. 2019 to 31. 3. 2022.