Children´s Clubs Romodrom Regions
The Children´s Clubs Romodrom Regions project, reg. no. CZ.03.1.51/0.0/0.0/15_013/0000193, was financed by the European Social Fond via the Operational Programme Employment.
Romodrom o.p.s. operates 3 children´s clubs for first school children in the localities of Hradčany at Prostějov (the club has been functioning in Prostějov since 2017), Slaný, and Nymburk. The children´s clubs functioned in the school years 2016/2017 and 2017/2018. During the summer and spring holidays of 2016 and 2017, the children´s clubs´ facilities hosted 42 suburban camps. The clubs´ operation during the school year is even during holidays complemented by animations focused on art, physical, culinary, self-knowledge, therapeutical and other topics. Children can spend their time meaningfully in our clubs, play and meet new friends. Utilizing the children´s clubs´ services is free for children. The project´s goal is to support employment and decrease the differences between the status of women and men in the job market by providing babysitting of first school children. The children´s clubs are open to all first school children regardless of differences, however we expect that the clubs will primarily be utilized by parents of children from socially disadvantaged environments.
The condition for being accepted to a CC was:
- a properly filled-out form and CC service contract,
- a confirmation from the primary school that the child is a first school student,
- a confirmation of the supported person´s (the child´s legal representative/parent) status in the job market.
Project Implementation Evaluation
The Children´s Clubs Romodrom Regions project (CZ.03.1.51/0.0/0.0/15_013/0000193) ran from 1. 7. 2016 to 30. 6. 2018. Throughout the duration of the project, we offered parents babysitting of their children – on working days, during summer and spring holidays - at times when they needed to work, study, requalify themselves or job hunt. Their children could then utilize the clubs, which were equipped with sports equipment and arts supplies, as places where they could spend time until their parents pick them up or the leave for their club activities. The children could also participate in various leisure animations. A condition for placing a child to the children´s club or the suburban camp was to present a confirmation of the parents´ connection to the job market.
Providing babysitting for children on school days and during spring and summer holidays supported a total of 78 parents who gained the opportunity to increase their prospects of finding employment. They were able to go to work, do business, requalify themselves, study, and look for work at the Labour Office. The interest for this service was enormous throughout the duration of the project, as it presented significant help to the target group, especially families with several children of a younger preschool age or single parents. We implemented the project in the cities of Prostějov, Slaný, and Nymburk.