Children´s Group Prague
* Aside from preparing children to integrate into a regular kindergarten or primary school, the goal of the children´s group was to create favourable conditions for the employment of parents with children. By operating the children´s group, we expand the offer of childcare services, which wasinsufficient or financially inaccessible for many of our clients.
* The project´s target group were parents with children until the beginning of compulsory education, as these are disadvantaged in entering the job market. Our target group also consists of socio-economically excluded people suffering from cumulated issues pertaining also to a larger number of offspring and the inability to find babysitting. However, the public children´s group was intended for all the parents with children until the beginning of compulsory education, who show interest in placing their child in our care.
* And what can the children look forward to? Mainly activities similar to those found in regular kindergarten: community circle, physical activities, educational activities, graphomotor exercises, fine arts activities, musical-physical activities, and others. We adjust our methods to work with children from a different socio-cultural environment – especially strengthening individual work with a child, strengthening speech therapy exercises, activities aimed at developing and expanding vocabulary (fairy tales, rhymes, picture reading, and other) and visual and auditory perception by utilizing the knowledge of children from their socio-cultural environment (e.g. songs, dances, and others). As part of our educational activity, we also utilize certain methods of experiential learning. We emphasize the creation of a family environment.
* We strive for a kind approach based on empathy and support, which was extremely important for children from a socially disadvantaged environment.
* The children´s group had a capacity of 12.
* The service was provided to children free of charge. * Aside from preparing children to integrate into a regular kindergarten or primary school, the goal of the children´s group was to create favourable conditions for the employment of parents with children. By operating the children´s group, we expand the offer of childcare services, which was insufficient or financially inaccessible for many of our clients.