Field Programmes – Liberec Region
The Field Services Romodrom Liberec Project, reg. no.: CZ.03.2.60/0.0/0.0/16_052/0007797, was financed by the European Social Fund via the Operational Programme Employment.
The goal of the provided social service was to eliminate or mitigate the impact of social exclusion on the lives of the social service users (people who are socially excluded or at risk of social exclusion). The social service provided these people with the necessary assistance and support in dealing with their problems in a field form.
Areas of Provision:
- excluded localities of Liberec (the streets Vojanova, Sportovní, Rybářská, Kolora
- Nádraží, Podještědská, city centre)
- excluded localities of Jablonec
Recipients of Service
- those older than 15 years
- people living in socially excluded communities
- people leading a risky way of life or endangered by such a way of life
- ethnic minorities
What the Service Offered
It was a registered social service in accordance with § 69 of Act No. 108/2006 Sb. on social services, provided in the aforementioned excluded localities. Operating in the service users' natural environment, the workers offered - in the form of field social work – basic support and active assistance in the following areas:
- basic counselling: providing the necessary information leading to the solution of the service user's unfavourable social situation – serves as an orientation in the issue reducing his/her quality of life, as well as orientation in the possible assistance in solving his/her issue
- mediating contact with the social environment: activities allowing for better orientation in relations taking place in a social environment (e.g. providing information on legislation changes, explaining the laws and obligations, and others)
- accompanying to institutions: based on the service user's wish, the worker accompanied him/her to institutions and supported him/her in independent dealings (Labour Office, legal representative, office of material need benefits)
- assistance in dealing with daily matters: assistance with writing various requests (material need benefits, state social support, social apartment, and others), assistance in handling documents, understanding official correspondence, filling in forms, assistance with writing appeals, etc.
- assistance in restoring or strengthening contact with family: support during other activities supporting social inclusion (e.g. planning and putting together the family budget; communication with homeowners, rooming house owners, authorities and others)
- providing contact information for follow-up care institutions: the service user was informed about follow-up care institutions, i.e. the authorities and organizations providing professional social assistance, in order to successfully solve the service user's problem – based on the service user's request, the workers were able to help him/her arrange a meeting with the respective institution, or accompany the service user to the said institution (accompanying to the follow-up services, providing contact for professional organizations – psychologist, doctor, etc.)
- working with the service user in his/her natural environment: working with the service user in an environment where he/she normally functions
- social work: individual work with the service user aimed at educating the user – in the matter at hand, strengthening competences, autonomy, and independence on social services as a whole
- social therapeutic activities: the provision led to the development or maintenance of personal social abilities and skills, supporting the social inclusion of persons (e.g. assistance with job hunting, assistance with arranging for requalification courses, assistance with creating a family budget, and others)
Principles of Provision:
- the service was provided to the users free of charge
- respecting the interested person or user as a unique being with unique abilities and skills
- respecting the user's right to privacy
- discretion – maintaining confidentiality of information
- abide by the principles of personal information protection with regard to users who utilize the service with their identity disclosed
- the user's right to decide whether to utilize the service anonymously or with their identity disclosed
- a partner approach towards the user on the one hand, strengthening his/her autonomy on the other hand
- activating the user to undergo discomfort and solve the issues which decrease the user's quality of life – especially providing professional services in such a manner that increases the user's chance to solve his/her problem, but not solve the user's problems for him/her
- the worker does not side with anyone when dealing with the users, and treats all users equally
- all workers fulfil qualification requirements in accordance with Act no. 108/2006 Sb., on social services and continuously educate themselves.
The Field Services Romodrom Liberec project was implemented from 1. 1. 2018 to 31. 12. 2020.