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The Centre for Supporting Parents´ Competences 2017

• we advised parents on different issues regarding the development, upbringing, and education of children
• we supported parents in a difficult situation
• we offered the possibility of specialized consultations with our internal and external experts
• we advised in a difficult financial situation
• we offered the services of a speech therapist for children


The Centre for Supporting Parents´ Competencies deals primarily with supporting parents from a socially disadvantaged environment.
The centre´s clients consist of children and families from the socially disadvantaged environment of Prague 8 and its surroundings.
The specialized support (counselling, guidance, educational, psychosocial) provided by the centre in cooperation with parents is aimed at facilitating children´s enrolment to a preschool institution or primary school.

• we work with children
• we provide individual counselling to parents
• we provide individual counselling in communication with authorities
• we provide group counselling (seminars) focusing on various life situations and issues, and the support of children´s healthy development

The project was being implemented from the Family grant programme.