Work Experience in the Media Industry
The project as a whole focuses on the Roma issues in the Czech Republic. Through the cooperation between the Roma and non-Roma, especially through passing on professional knowledge, we point to possible, functioning, and beneficial cooperation. The solidary involvement of everyone taking part in this project is based on cooperation without prejudice towards the Roma. At the same time, the project also includes volunteer work by the group members, as assistance at the Khamoro festival includes not only shooting activities, but also work at the Tuke.TV stand, which all interested parties agreed to given the need of mutual help with staffing.
This project is therefore supposed to strengthen the community spirit and point out the main democratic principles of all people being equal and each voice having importance. It tackles one of the long-term challenges of the Czech Republic, i.e. the fight against the majority society´s prejudice and the social problems of a significant part of the Roma population.
By preventing social exclusion, gaining work experience, and creating audiovisual content, the project is also supposed to contribute to strengthening and improving the Roma population´s position in the majority society as well as contribute to their social inclusion.
The Roma are full-fledged citizens of the Czech Republic have therefore equal rights and duties as the majority. This project therefore strives to contribute to a plural society and tolerance, to the support of ethnic culture, to mutual understanding. Due to the size and perception of the Roma minority in Czech society, we consider it to be the one most worthy of attention. The dignity of each individual and equal opportunities regardless of origin are crucial. The group of young people in charge of implementing this project are a clear sign of the fact that the Roma themselves are interested in opportunities for personal and knowledge growth.
Aside from that, the existence of community media, the creation of which this project is supposed to contribute to, is recommended on the EU level, as it contributes to media plurality supported by the EU. Given that in other, especially Western European countries the existence of community media is commonplace, we wish to follow their example using this project.
The Work Experience in the Media Industry project is being implemented from 1. 2. 2020 to 31. 7. 2020.