Revising and Streamlining Social Services
The Revising and Streamlining Social Services, reg. no. CZ.03.2.63/0.0/0.0/19_098/0015284, is financed from the means of the European Social Fund, via the Operational Programme Employment.
The project´s main goal is to increase the quality and sustainability of social services provided by Romodrom o.p.s. Great emphasis is put on the human factor, especially the needs and demands of our workers. The project´s intention is to uncover problematic factors and subsequently incorporate them into positive changes.
The result should be a correct and up-to-date setting of individual processes´ functioning, methods of communication, and work with documents within the organization.
For whom is the project intended?
- social service providers and clients, social workers, and social service workers.
Project stages and activities
1. Improving the set-up processes within the organization:
- audit consultation, preparation, and implementation,
- identifying the organization´s strengths and weaknesses,
- making recommendations leading to improvement,
- consulting, implementing, and monitoring changes.
2. Simplifying and streamlining the way of recording supported clients
- consulting, creating, and implementing methods into practice,
- making recommendations leading to improvement,
- training employees,
- checking and consulting proper record keeping at branches and by phone,
- evaluation reports, consultations, workshops.
3. Enhancing workers´ knowledge and skill in relation to the target group
- certified workers education,
- evaluation questionnaires for employees,
- final evaluation.
Whom to contact
Mgr. Nikol Jiroutová – Professional Assistant
Phone: +420 778 481 728
Mgr. Andrea Šťastná – Project Manager
Phone: +420 739 630 282
Daniel Bakeš – Project Manager
Mobil: +420 774 792 310
Where to find us
The Revising and Streamlining Social Services project is being implemented from 1. 4. 2020 to 31. 3. 2022.