"Together against discrimination."
The Room2Roma project, ID:22110029, is an international project implemented in the Visegrad Four countries, i.e., the Czech Republic Slovakia, Poland, and Hungary, and is financed by the Visegrad Fund.
The main goal of the project is to help the Roma gain access to decent housing, especially by reducing prejudice against Roma.
The project seeks to improve the societal perception of Roma as neighbors. What makes the Room2Roma project so unique is the international cooperation of the V4 countries and that all partners joined forces in changing the perspective of the middle society on the Roma as neighbors.
Discrimination of the Roma leads to life in undignified conditions and excluded localities. And living in excluded localities again only leads to discrimination. Room2Roma project is trying to overcome this vicious circle.
Changing social perception is just as important as housing itself.
The project launches 4 campaigns based on the stories of successful Roma who have managed to find a decent housing thanks to our work and the work of our partner organizations.
The project aims at several target groups: Roma, the general population, public authorities, accommodation providers and Roma non-governmental organizations.