Home » Our Activities » International and Humanitarian Projects » Providing information and assistance to refugees from Ukraine

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The project is financed by the Operational Programme Employment Plus, co-financed by the European Union and the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic


Aim of the Project

The aim of the project is to minimize the risks of conflicts in society, unsuccessful integration and situations of social exclusion of refugees, especially Roma from Ukraine, through counselling and assistance to ensure their needs leading to successful integration.


For who it is for

Refugees enjoying the status of "temporary protection" on the territory of the Czech Republic as a result of the war in Ukraine, primarily Roma, but of course also ethnic Ukrainians;
It is also intended for those whose temporary protection status has expired but who continue to reside here legally.

What it offers

Helping with the basic living needs of these refugees and assisting with their integration into society;
= help and assistance in dealing with many life situations, be it in the areas of contact with the authorities, medical care, education, housing, employment, etc.


Who to contact:

Karlovy Vary, Pilsen

Michaela Hofmannová

Phone: +420 778 446 910

E-mail: michaela.hofmannova@romodrom.cz


Sandra Kubrychtová

Phone: +420 778 446 911

E-mail: sandra.kubrychtova@romodrom.cz


Mariana Kabátová, DiS.

Phone: +420 771 272 524

E-mail: mariana.kabatova@romodrom.cz


Vanesa Koukolíčková

Phone: +420 778 442 680

E-mail: vanesa.bramborova@romodrom.cz



Ceske Budejovice

Mgr. Zuzana Janurová

Phone: +420 771 282 500

E-mail: zuzana.janurova@romodrom.cz


Mgr. et Mgr. Alžběta Poláková

Phone: +420 778 447 431

E-mail: alzbeta.polakova@romodrom.cz


Hradec Králové

Bc. Jana Blažková

Phone: +420 778 447 432

E-mail: jana.blazkova@romodrom.cz


Prague, Central Bohemia Region

Bc. Klára Aljančič, DiS

Phone: +420 778 443 779

E-mail: klara.aljancic@romodrom.cz


Yulia Sevostyanová

Phone: +420 771 274 187

E-mail: yuliya.sevostyanova@romodrom.cz



Tomáš Fišer

Phone: +420 725 904 287

E-mail: tomas.fiser@romodrom.cz


Nová Paka

Tereza Cermanová

Phone: +420 771 265 405

E-mail: tereza.cermanova@romodrom.cz



Radek Wollmann - Project Manager

Phone: +420 771 268 889

E-mail: radek.wollmann@romodrom.cz


The project is implemented from 1 June 2023 to 31 May 2024